Thursday, December 23, 2010

221210 Looong day

Today, because we told Sean to let us off on the 24th, he moved the class to today~~
So i had Corporate documentary from 2-5pm and then Documentary 7-10pm
I went to school at 11am to do work, edit video etcetc..
Then had class, and then we went to MacDonald's to eat yo! haha
and we went to NTUC to grab snacks for Sean's class

So after Sean's class, i went to the bus stop to meet Bra..

and we were supposed to catch a movie since i had movie vouchers!! BUT THEN! we walk ALLLL the way there, then CLOSED! omg :( So we go grab mcFlurry instead..

OH BTW, i got my class addicted to GMARKET!! HAHAHA omg laaaa~~ hahaha
and talking about gmarket~~~
the list for what i ordered today is LOOONNGGGGG~~

the total price is....

and it was my last day to apply for a lucky draw to win tickets to KOREA!!!

Skyping with Dawn now.. and brenda's beside me~~

~*~ Just Being Nicole ~*~

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