Wednesday, December 15, 2010

151210 Corporate Domentary - INTERVIEW YO!

I am running out of money!! haha so i decided to cook some mac and cheese..
it turned out horrible because i was running late and I practically just dump butter, milk and powder instead without really estimating properly..
ate half and threw the rest away

So i reached school, bought myself iced milo and this awesome chocolate pastry.

AND THEN! Eunice said. "Eh.. aren't we supposed to wear nicely today?? We're filming an interview right?" 
OH GOSH! i was wear T-SHIRT AND SHORTS! great!! it was already 1.55.. Class is at 2. 
So i walked reaaallyyy quickly home, changed and made a stupid choice to wear heels and walked REALLY quickly back.. 
my entire leg was aching like CRAZZZYYYYY. Just to realise.. we're filming waist up.. so actually even if i walked barefooted, it wouldn't matter.
So anyway, what was done is already done~~~
We had to set up the equipments and lights.. etc etc 

and i got the simpliest job, to sit infront of my teacher, so she's the interviewee and i am the interview.. 

In case you're wondering why we needed people to be seated on the chairs, we had to see if the lighting's alright, where the cameras should be placed, and so on.

It was pretty fun, but really tiring... met mum to walk home together and both of us were really tired, that we called MacDelivery! haha

~*~ Just Being Nicole ~*~

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