Saturday, December 18, 2010

181210 Horrible horrible day.

My mum....  i asked her to accompany me to go Paragon to take a look at the largest street caroling thing by the Body Shop, i asked her at 2 something to 3, she said she doesn't want to because she has housework to do and also, she wants to prepare for her Bible Study, which was a 8pm.

So okay.. I was then thinking of someone else who will accompany me.. cos i feel really weird going for this kind thing alone and start interviewing people.

yes i am gutless...

So i was contemplating whether i should just stay at home fake a interview or something. Or maybe do another event...  then i took a look at my mum, she was lying on the couch, watching tv... so i sighed and just went on to decide if i should go? dont go? go for another event?

Soon, it was 4.. my mum was still on the couch, reading newspaper, so i asked again, mum, just a while, can you with me?? She asked me to ask my brother and his girlfriend to go with me.. seriously .. you think they will?

and then .. i was STILL undecided.. so i carried on looking for another alternative.. until 4.30. i rushed to go bathe, prepare and everything and my mum keep asking me stupid questions, wasting my time and everything and i asked ONE LAST TIME ( note how many times i have to practically ask, beg and plea for MY MUM to accompany me) so finally, i have to assure her that i wouldn't take very long, it was already 5 by the way..

She finally agreed, but i have to wait for her to go toilet, do her makeup, turn off everything.

So we waited for the bus.. 5.25... waited waited.. then my mum decides we should take a cab

approximately 15 mins and 9 dollars later, we arrived and guess what..GONE!!! POOFED~~~ no trace at all.

I was about to pierce a knife through my heart and burst into tears.

but i didn't. cos like. i'm so old already. so weird if i cry now.
So i said. OKAY MUM! since we're here. and we spent 9 dollars.. let's just walk around and see what you would want to buy, took some pictures,

Finally, we went to lucky plaza, got her double eyelid sticker thingy, came out, grabbed a milkshake and headed home.

Reached my area, eat dinner, went home, grab my laptop, my newspapers and then headed out to the place where my mum's cell group was held..
i was hoping to do work there, but.. they couldn't remember their modem password... and i didn't want to waste too much of their cellgroup time. so i just . read newspaper, think of questions to ask body shop and someone else who attended the event..

Basically wasted my day... but ah .. there's still one more day.
PLEASE let tomorrow be greater.

Stomach cramping since yesterday... i think my time of the month is coming. Great.

~*~ Just Being Nicole ~*~

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