Friday, December 24, 2010


So today, mummy took leave~~ and we were supposed to go out after Brenda sets off to meet Sarah...

But my mum took one whole morning to look for her vouchers, which she still haven't found it by the way, and we left for Korean Embassy at about 3 plus 4...
Aiyo~~ the girl at the counter couldn't answer any of my questions, i had to borrow some book to do my own research..

Let's not talk about my decision.. i havent even decided on what i should do.. but anyway, after that, we went to TAKA!!! Mum has alot of vouchers.. the ones she was looking for was for Isetan and Tangs?? but she had the taka vouchers with her and i told her she should just buy something for herself.. so she said she wants a bag~~ so we went around looking for bags~~~ and mum was attracted to this $400 plus one~~ but she decided she doesn't want to splurge on herself~~~ so we ended up buying this $222.20~~ but it's nice right?? i mean not really for our age group~~ but still~~ hahaha

We shared a crepe!!! Chocolate + Almond + Run and Raisin's ice-cream~~~ omg i am hungry now~~ hahah

After that, we walked around a while to soak up the christmas spirit.. or is there a better word??

So anyway, i sprained my ankle on our way back~~~ anyway~~ brother wanted to go out~~ so mum and i decided to have a light dinner - CORNFLAKES!! hahaa
and~~ after sooooo long, i finally realised that.. i have a stylus for my camera and my charger doubles as a cable to transfer photos from my camera and. i have AN EXTRA BATTERY!!! hahaha

okay~~ skyping with dawn now~~~ 

~*~ Just Being Nicole ~*~

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