Wednesday, December 15, 2010

141210 Early Christmas Dinner

So yesterday, i met up with Wenny, Shermaine, Erica, Beatrice and Annie to celebrate Christmas!! hahah

My present just arrived at 6.15pm, i am meeting them at 7.30pm. and then i realised.... I DON'T HAVE WRAPPING PAPER!!!
I spent like 15 minutes sorting out the presents and some of my gifts aren't even here!!! So argh!!
I knew i was going to be late.. i mean i still had to find something to wrap my presents with...

So i took a cab down to Marina Square.. which cost me 12 dollars, reached there about 7.15 and i was contemplating between buying wrapping paper or a makeup bag to stuff everything inside.
It's quite dumb to buy wrapping paper since i don't have scissors and scotch tape, so i bought a makeup bag~~~

so okay.. alot alot of complications. anyway, i reached swensen's had a good meal and had a good time. so... PICTURES!!! hahaah

I am SANTA CLAUS! hahahah parts of my presents arent here yet! :(

~*~ Just Being Nicole ~*~

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