Friday, December 31, 2010

311210 you hungry??? STARVINGGG~~~~ ...... *pukes*

HAHAH~ alright so today, brenda was feeling down and all, and she wanted buffet, so after a long discussion, i suggested we go MOF! for Hi-Tea Buffet!!!! hahahahah

We were REALLLYYY hungryy~~ so we very daringly ordered alot!.. but the 2nd round, we were quite full.. 3rd round really full.. 4th round bloated.. 5th round.. i-can't-eat-no-more. LOL thank goodness her pancake didn't come!!! we quickly asked for the bill and left~~ I nearly puked.. and Brenda puked because she was already feeling super full, then when she went to the toilet and open the cubicle door, the stench was.... hahahha

After that, we walk walk walk around...

went to Sasa, watson's BHG.. and i found this!!! from OPI!! how cute right~~ hahahaha

Soon, i had to leave Brenda to go watch movie with family. - Gulliver's Travels

Being the boring person that i am, i went home to watch AI after that.. and then i went off to sleep~~
oh i tweeted for a while.. wishing everyone a happy new year.. then i went to sleep~ HAHAH

~*~ Just Being Nicole ~*~

Thursday, December 30, 2010

301210 Super Stressful day

i am so stressed about journalism that I don't even want to talk about it. >.<
Went to Tully's To try to do some work.. managed to get quite a lot of background info.. but haven't started on the actually draft... (no idea why the picture is soooo blur)

Got hungry after, so i went to KFC, since they had student meal.. but as i was about to pay, i realised.. i don't have my student card.. but the aunty gave it to me a student price anyway~~~ until now.. i don't know where's my card.. i remember putting it in my wallet.. but it isn't there =/ . i hope it will appear soon...

Anyway~~ Wenny unni had free preview tickets~~ so today we went to watch A better tomorrow
i went to the wrong cathay and i had to rush to right one.. oh gosh.. T.T

After the movie, we went to Hot Tomatoes at 313 to eat, Erica unni wasn't feeling well, so she just had tea and then, we went home~~

~*~ Just Being Nicole ~*~

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

i DYED my hair MYSELF for the FIRST TIME

had dinner with mummy at three wombats!!!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

THEY cut my hair

~*~ Just Being Nicole ~*~