Monday, January 10, 2011

100111 Another long day in school :(

I woke up at 9 am today to finish organising my news bulletin.. don't know if i did it right =/
Anyway~~ it was raining ~ not very heavily though~

Prepared to go to school earlier to pass up my radio news, and my news bulletin~~

When i reached school it was still raining~~


Having RADIO NEWS Class now~~and i am bloggginnnggg and not paying attention~ hahaha (now's 3pm)

3.30pm BREAKTIME!!! end of lecture!!

4.45pm - end of class!!!! 

Some sel-ca-ing~~

Dinner at MACDONALD'S!!! 

My happy meal toy!! it's a stamp!!

and then back to school for lesson~~
and home ~~ ZzZZz

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