Thursday, January 6, 2011

060111 Dinner with Mummy

At jack's place~!!! I wanted to just buy one main and one side then we share.. but my mum say very not classy. so she say we each buy one~~ and then somehow or another, we got 'persuaded' to get the set meal. which means +soup + tea + dessert.. so.. yeah~~

YES! i am trying to put on less makeup..!! hopefully after my double eyelid surgery, i wouldn't have to put makeup and not feel awkward about it~~

 Then outside, they were having some Beauty language sale.. and mummy wanted to buy some 29 dollar powder or something.. we ended up spending 92 dollars

SUPER EX EYELINER!!!! >.< $13.90!!! 

and i wanted to believe that i had dark eye circles~~ so i bought this!


Okay~~ watching AI with mummy now~~ HAHAHA

~*~ Just Being Nicole ~*~

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