Saturday, January 8, 2011

080111 Class on a Saturday Morning + 2 packages came!!

Today was Radio news make-up class and i was the radio editor for today~~ havent finish organising my News bulletin~~ but argh~~ shall do it tomorrow~~ anyway, my new shoes gave me blisterS.. no i am not going to take a picture.. too digusting.

Anyway~~ 2 packages came today~~ our shorts and dawn's missha thingy~~

Ignore my messy sofa.. the mess is made by me~ HAHAHA my shorts~!!

The other shorts~

My super short hair sticking out~~ hahaha random moment ~~ xD

and so~~ at night.. i was cleaning all my jewelries i found!!! decided to sell some~~

Selling these!! See post below

and i found this locket!!! and guess what's inside!!! hahaha

Alright ~~ that's all~~ i am a very boring person ^^

~*~ Just Being Nicole ~*~

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