Monday, July 11, 2011


You have been admitted to 
the regular program offered at the Korean Language Education Center of SNU. Please read the following instruction, and feel free to contact me if you have any questions (

Special Announcement
We are offering a special discount of tuition fee (10%) for Yeon-geon Campus Regular Program. Yeon-geon Campus is located by famous tourist attractions such as Dae-hak-ro (University Street), old palaces / fortress, Insadong, and Namdaemun Market. You may switch your application from Gwanak Campus to Yeon-geon Campus by 
July 18 via email ( 
However, please be noted that the Yeon-geon program does not offer dormitories.

(1) Course Duration
September 5, 2011 ~ November 11, 2011

(2) Tuition Fee Payment 
If you are currently staying in other than Korea, and you would like to get a language course visa (D-4) for the first time, you must pay for 2 sessions’ tuition fee.
However, you can pay for 1 session if you would like to obtain 90 day C-3 visa (short-term visiting visa), or you wish to change your visa status to D-4 from C-3, F1, F2 etc, or you already have a valid visa. 

Deadline: July 20, 2011

Amount: KRW 1,500,000 (The Morning Class)
KRW 1,350,000 (The Afternoon Class)

- Please log in our website and click on the “On-line registration” for enrollment.
- If you have not signed up for the website yet, please sign up first and inform me of your ID via email (
- You may pay either with your credit card or via wire-transfer (Please select one.).

- Account info.
(Bank) National Agricultural Cooperative Federation (NACF), Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
(Account Number) 079-17-000714
(Account Holder) Language Education Institute (LEI), Seoul National University

If you are wiring the fee under a sender’s name different from yours, you are advised to send us wire-transfer slip by email ( as soon as your payment is done.

(3) Placement test
If you do not know Korean at all, you do not have to take the test. Then you will be automatically placed in level 1 class. To start at Level 1, you MUST email us (

Otherwise, you should take the placement test.
Date: 10 a.m. August 31, 2011
Place: Language Education Institute (Bldg 137)
On the test day, a student should find your name on the bulletin board in front of the KLEC office to find his/her test place.
Please refer to our website for maps and directions.
Important Notice
Yeon-geon Campus students will take the online placement test which will be probably held at the end of July. More information on the online placement test will be announced once its specific date and time are determined later. After the online placement test, students will be assigned to their appropriate Korean language level. However, considering that each class requires more than 5 students to be opened, if there is less than the required number of students in one class, the class will be closed in the Fall session. The notification of closure of Yeongeon campus will be made onAugust 5. Once the class is not opened, students are advised to come to Gwanak campus to take their language program. For your information, Gwan-ak Campus students cannot take the online placement test in any case.

(4) Refund Policy

90% Refund: July 20 ~ September 2, 2011 by 6 p.m.
70% Refund: September 5 ~ September 9, 2011 by 6 p.m.
No refund after September 10

(Application for a refund is possible only during office hours: Monday ~ Friday, 9:00 ~ 6:00)
If you would like to get refund, please complete the following procedures and submit a required document to our office.
1) Online application for a refund on the Mypage menu of the LEI website (
2) Original Letter of Admission issued by SNU
3) A copy of official statement from the visa-issuing section of Korean Embassy or Consulate indicating that the visa was denied if applicable.
4) A copy of bank book at which you are going to get a refund

(5) Letter of Admission
The Letter of Admission will be dispatched at the beginning of August.

I look forward to meeting you soon!
서울대 언어교육원 한국어 정규과정 합격 안내

축하합니다!귀하께서는 서울대 언어교육원 한국어교육센터 정규과정에 입학이 허가되었습니다아래의 내용을  읽어 주시고궁금한 점이 있으시면 한국어교육센터 사무실로 연락해 주시기 바랍니다 (

연건 캠퍼스 정규과정의 등록금을 한시적으로 10% 할인합니다연건 캠퍼스는 대학로와 고궁인사동남대문시장  서울의 유명한 관광지와 인접한 곳에 위치해 있습니다관악 캠퍼스 신청자  선착순으로 연건 캠퍼스 신청을 받고 있습니다. 7 18일까지 이메일( 신청하여 주십시오다만연건 캠퍼스에는 기숙사가 마련되어 있지 않습니다.

강좌 개설 기간 

2011 9 5() ~ 2011 11 11()
(2) 등록금 납부 

현재 외국에 살고 있으면서 어학연수(D-4) 비자를 처음으로 신청하실 분은 2 학기 등록금을 납부해야 합니다한국에 살고 있으면서 D-4 비자로 변경을 하거나, 90일짜리 C-3 비자를 신청할 예정이거나이미 비자를 가지고 있는 경우에는  학기 등록금만 납부하시면 됩니다.
기한: 2011 7 20()금액:     1,500,000 (오전반)
1,350,000 (오후반)
언어교육원 홈페이지 로그인하여 “온라인 등록” 버튼을 눌러 등록을 진행하여 주십시오.
만약 언어교육원 홈페이지에 아직 가입을 하지 않은 경우우선 홈페이지에 가입을 하시고 ID 이메일( 알려 주시기 바랍니다.

은행농협 서울대 지점
주소서울시 관악구 관악로 599번지 (우편번호: 151-742)
계좌번호: 079-17-000714
예금주서울대 언어교육원
등록금을 다른 사람의 이름으로 입금한 경우입금하고 나서 가능한  빨리 송금 확인증을 이메일 ( 보내 주시기 바랍니다.


한국어를 전혀 모르는 사람은 배치고사를 치르지 않아도 됩니다자동으로 1급에 배정이  것이니 참고하시기 바랍니다한국어를 전혀 모르는 학생의 경우에는 반드시 한국어교육센터에 이메일을 보내시기 바랍니다. (
한국어를 아는 사람은 반드시 배치고사를 치러야 합니다날짜: 2011 8 31 (오전 10
장소서울대 언어교육원 137
시험 당일 한국어교육센터 사무실 앞에 위치한 게시판에서 본인의 이름을 찾아서  지정된 시험 장소로 이동하면 됩니다(자세한 위치는 언어교육원 홈페이지 약도를 참고하십시오.)

연건캠퍼스를 수강하는 학생의 경우온라인상으로 배치고사를 치를 예정입니다자세한 날짜와 시간은 추후 이메일을 통해 공지됩니다 반이 개설되기 위해서는 최소 5명의 학생이 모집되어야 됩니다그러나 온라인 배치시험 결과  반의 학생 인원 수가 5 미만이  경우에는 폐강됩니다폐강 여부는 8 5일에 이메일을 통해 안내될 예정입니다지원하는 강좌가 폐강될경우 학생들은 관악캠퍼스로 지원 변경할  있는 기회가 주어집니다관악캠퍼스를 수강하는 학생은 온라인 배치고사를 치를  없습니다.

90% 환불: 2011 7 20() ~ 2011 9 2(오후 6시까지
환불: 2011 9 5() ~ 2011 9 9(오후 6시까지
 10 이후에는 환불이 불가능합니다.
(환불신청은 반드시 한국어교육센터 사무실 운영 시간 내에만 가능합니다)등록금 환불을 원하시는 경우다음의 서류를 준비하여 제출하셔야 합니다.
한국어교육센터 홈페이지( 마이페이지에서 온라인 환불신청
표준 입학 허가서 (원본)
비자가 거절된 경우한국 대사관이나 영사관에서 발급한 공식 문서
4) 환불 받을 통장 복사본

입학허가서는 8 초에 일괄 발송할 예정입니다.
그럼 만나 뵙기를 바랍니다!

프로그램 담당
서울대 언어교육원 한국어교육센터


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nicole / Debbie (?),

    I guess we're in the same course! :) Just found this post via Google. ^^ I'd love to discuss the course and placement test with you in advance!
    Please e-mail me. Thanks!
