Saturday, July 9, 2011

900711 Going back to the east~~~

Went to City hall to meet Sharmane and Mylia to pass them Hyesung's CDs and then supposed to go airport to meet Ex eagles.. turns out they postponed the meeting to.. havent decided when~~ so 
i hung out with mylia and shar for the rest of the day instead~~ we met up with a Filipino SHCJ too to go Kbox!! haha~
While waiting for Mylia and Shar to arrive, i went to look for a box to put Phi's orders in~~ and i found this pretty one!!

i was quite afraid the CDs won't fit, BUT THEY DID!! xDDD

Anyway~ after Kbox, we went to Sushi express and at one point of time, there was this SALMON SPAM!!! hahah

So after our late lunch, i headed back to the east to take a look at my newly renovated house~~ 

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