Sunday, March 6, 2011

030511 Manna Story

Food= 5/5
the food taste really good~ as good as what i ate in Korea..but i found a strand of hair..

Price = Reasonable
Around Seoul yummy price~ All Korean food restaurant is Singapore is about this price

Portion = 3.5/5
Quite little for the price

Ambience = 4/5
Very cute designs and feels pretty homey~

Service = 4/5
Every good, well mannered, organised, always smiling.. only that 나의 세 컵의  물이 어디예요? :(

okay~ so after that we walked here and there, tried every sample available for all the makeup~ haha
then desserts..
Lesson learnt from our dessert... guava syrup is NOT NICE~ tastes like cough syrup~ seriously



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