Wednesday, March 30, 2011

300311 Lunch with Ben and Weims~ Dinner @ Liqing's! ^^

Weis, Ben and I went to The tea party @ sixth Ave Centre for lunch~~ and Ben and I decided to have a game of scrabbles~~

Then i decided to go Liqing's house to disturb her and eat the strawberry cake i have been craving for since SHCJ gathering~~ hahah

but it was eaten~~ >.< hahaha but she gave me LOADS of chocolates and i played with roy!!!

We were watching RUNNING MAN TOO!! hahah

Then after that Liqing had to pick her parents from the airport and I had to go home XD

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

230311 Gmarket + Brother stuck in room~

HAHAHAHHAHA~ so my brother's door lock went wrong somehow~ so he was stuck inside for 2 hours~~ my mum refused to call a lock smith until finally, she gave up.. and called one~~ haha

oh and my bags came!!! 9 dollars each!! and 2 bracelets!! 2 dollars each ~