Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Dinner with Raymond + MEMORABLE HAPPENING!

SO today.. some TOOT ah~ came and spoilt everything.. make everyone so awkward.. and HE GRABBED DAWN'S HEAD LA~ wah lao~~~ how can a guy lay hands on a girl.. -,-

aiya~~ want to blame, must blame brenda for disclosing our location.. and poor dawn~~ :( poor raymond as well.. the toot tried to act all almighty and big and he said about 5 times, "who to **** are you" to raymond .. wah lao.. seriously.

aiya~~ thn after he left, he came back after an hour and SAT AT OUR TABLE~~ largi awkward.
=,= and brenda only keep saying she wants him to leave.. who asked you to say where we were in the first place right.. haiya

1 comment:

  1. I shall be the first to comment! (I think)
    yah lor. sadcase.. haha but nevermind lah thank God it's over and done with. anyway,LOOKING FORWARD TO SPENDING TIME WITH YOU LIKE MAD OVER THE HOLIDAYS WOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO!
    my last exam on monday, after that, I'm freeee like a birdd!
    so.... WHAT SHALL WE DO? I plan to make a doll house for st as a project during the hols. you wana make one too or join me or smth? LOL (in case you are interested in this sort of 'creative' thingys. hahaha)
