Thursday, September 1, 2011

Seoul Study Diaries day 1 - 3


okay so.. i shall ramble here~~
to cut things short.. day 1 i came, sat at the airport till like 11.. took a bus, reached at like 12 plus, check into what could be known as the worst place ever.

apart from the room being tiny... nevermind, there's no fan and the aircon goes off.. like being SWITCHED off at like times.. i don't even know when.. on the first day... the aircon got switched on at like 6pm, then stopped at like 8, then turned again at 9 plus .. then turned off at 6am on the second day.... then this morning, which is the third day, it got switched off at like freaking 3am~~~ really perspiring on the bed~~ then the owner is like... ah bengish........ and i am homesick.. okay i am better now. but i was homesick and it felt really terrible..

Anyway i went for my test on the second day early in the morning and during the interview section.. i kinda got really nervous i screwed up.. she ended up putting me in one level than what i should be (i am guessing cos i read the level description and it seemed like i already learnt everything in that level)

so i am going to opt for one level higher on monday..

Anyway~~ i am really very very .. not independent. so i stayed in my room most of the time..

I guess.. this trip is like.. i am forcing myself to be independent.. and brave.. cos like i have no choice...
if i were back in SG, i would like scream, beg, act cute and do everything to get people to help me ask for help or ask for stuff .. so now that i am alone... i guess~ i have to learn~ hahah

anyway yeahh~~~ picturessss.. in my facebook~~

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