Wednesday, May 4, 2011

040511 Shinhwa filled day

i did promise that i will try my best not to spazz about my fangirl obsession here~ so i won't~
to sum it up the MAJOR news

1) THERE WILL BE A SHINHWA COMPANY! after so many years of jokes and kidding around. IT'S NOW REAL

2) Eric released a second video message and HE LOOKS and i quote sumi unni "CRIMINALLY HOT"
and so the third news comes *drum rolls*

3) SUMI AND AND IRENE UNNI ARE GOING TO BKK and will be back in SG 9 HOURS BEFORE SU unni's wedding~~ woohoo~ feel so excited for them!! xD

anyway~ I am gg to BKK to see one of them haha and to prepare the gift for him, i went to Dawn's house to ask her to help me cut the middle part of the CD~ haha i totally don't know how to~~

But before going to her house, we went to J.Co for lunch!



and then off to her house ~~ 
to do MASK! 

AHAHAH no~ we actually sat there cutting paper and watching a movie~~ and then full house.. NO no the Korean drama.. it's the USA sitcom

OH~ and i bought Eric's present!
had a blonde moment when i didn't turn on the hidden switch and then went back to tell them it didn't work >.<

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